Probate Service

A comprehensive and cost effective solution

The passing away of a relative, partner or close friend can be a distressing time.  Sorting out their Estate may be the last thing on one’s mind and probate valuations can be complicated and time consuming.

Our Probate Service is here to assist Executors and Administrators deal with the valuation of investments within one’s Estate.

Our valuations are HMRC compliant and cover quoted UK securities, OEICs and Unit Trusts – both onshore and offshore, as well as currencies.

The service is available to anyone who requires an official probate valuation or, once probate is granted, the disposal of investments.

Jane Mann, probate services working with solicitors

Jane Mann, Head of Probate

Our Probate team is headed up by Jane, who has over 20 years of experience in this field and will assist with the validation of shareholdings and production of the probate valuation.

Why use us?

We are able to offer a comprehensive and cost effective solution.  Our experience and speed of service means that we can often provide a valuation within a week of receiving a probate valuation request, depending on the complexity of the Estate:

We will, on your behalf:

  • Speak to registrars for confirmation of holdings.
  • Check all certificates to verify that they are valid.
  • Apply for Letters of Indemnity where certificates are missing.
  • Provide the necessary withdrawal forms to enable stock held within a Corporate Nominee to either be sold or transferred.
  • Produce stock transfers when the Estate is to be divided between Beneficiaries.
  • Have cheques reissued in favour of Personal Representatives.
  • Ascertain if there is any outstanding money due to the Estate and request these funds from the registrars.

All probate valuations comply with HMRC requirements.  Utilising full quarter-up pricing, we cover investments in your own name, where they are held jointly, or where they are held within an ISA or a Third Party Nominee.  We can also provide SIPP and SASS valuations and are able to offer a Friday or Monday alternative if death occurs on a weekend.

We provide detailed information on forthcoming distributions, such as:

  • Dividends due but unpaid at the date of death
  • Interest on fixed-income securities
  • Net dividends in Sterling
  • Accrued interest (where appropriate)
  • Foreign exchange rate (where appropriate)

Upon settlement of an Estate, Beneficiaries and Trustees have the option of continuing to use Alpha for ongoing support and investment advice.

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